
Showing posts from October, 2014

Merton and what I need to hear today.

And even the rain (2)

And even the rain (l)

A slow conversation on Sunday. The end and speaking loud, Charlotte Eriksson

A slow conversation on Sunday: Take trains, Eve Ensler (4)

A slow conversation on Sunday. In the way you like, Susan Cain (3)

A slow conversation on Sunday. It doesn't come naturally. (2)

A slow conversation on Sunday. May Starton about empty days. (l)

Joseph Campbell

A Dialogue on Grief...

The gift of tears: Charles Dickens

Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine: Mary Oliver

A Dialogue on Faith: Rilke's turn

A Dialogue on Faith: and L.M Montgomery reply...

A dialogue on Faith: Terry Tempest Williams

Two from Lewis Thomas on us humans, on worry and probability

A Conversation About Passion: a tribute to Gustav Klimt

A Conversation About Passion: Roman Payne knows her

A Conversation about Passion: Marguerite Duras explains...

A Conversation about Passion: Irene Nemirovsky (a tribute to Gustav Klimt)

Lullabies for the soul: Marguerite Yourcenar

An Argument about Body: Beau Christopher Taplin answers to Majarah Charan Singh Ji

Dialogue on Silence (ll): As Anais Nin may answer...

A Dialogue About Silence (l): Thomas Merton

To See the Good in Broken Things

When Fear Sleeps by My Side (ll)

When Fear Sleeps by My Side (I): Haruki Mukarami

Dialogues on Gratitud: John O'Donohue answers...

Dialogues on Gratitud continues: Aldous Huxley

Dialogues on Gratitude: Anne Michaels then responds...

Dialogue on Gratitude: Doris Lessing speaks...

Every path leads homeward, every step is birth...

About the longing to go home...

We are the music-makers... the dreamers of dreams...

Thalasso Bain Bebe par Sonia Rochel

To feel like a newborn...

We are made up of layers, cells and constellations... by Anais Nin

A Dancing Soul (IV), Gabrielle Roth

A Dancing Soul (III), Martha Graham:

A Dancing Soul (2): Maria Fux

A Dancing Soul (I): Anna Halprin

The Experience of Being Alive, Joseph Campbell

The Mairmaid has no tears...

More about Fear: Between Birth and Death